DDT Alliance Summary     Server:  1098

Date Score Net Score Net 1st 2nd 3rd
1 17-Aug-2024 -184,815 -184.8 K Miracle keep go↓↓
2 20-Jul-2024 -302,780,177 -302.8 M ꧁NotBait꧂Grace 1208Easy player05 go↓↓
3 06-Jul-2024 63,846,551 63.8 M 🐜Big antJohn🦾T-800Grace 1208 go↓↓
4 22-Jun-2024 70,461,909 70.5 M 🐜Big antthe small antJohn🦾T-800 go↓↓
5 25-May-2024 1,100,361 1.1 M ꧁NotBait꧂Cake_ go↓↓
6 11-May-2024 125,869,550 126 M 🐜Big antEasy player05John🦾T-800 go↓↓
7 27-Apr-2024 2,465,873 2.5 M ꧁NotBait꧂☙ Lauri go↓↓
8 13-Apr-2024 9,119,624 9.1 M ꧁NotBait꧂John🦾T-800🐜Big ant go↓↓
9 30-Mar-2024 -345,969,105 -346.0 M 🐜Big antEasy player05John🦾T-800 go↓↓
10 16-Mar-2024 1,152,829 1.2 M ꧁NotBait꧂ go↓↓
11 03-Feb-2024 -1,917,136,681 -1.9 B Peaceful Johnthe small ant☙ Lauri go↓↓
12 20-Jan-2024 -161,131,274 -161.1 M Johnchiu 0505WennekeTheCesare go↓↓
13 06-Jan-2024 -1,632,001,141 -1.6 B Peaceful johnJohnchiu 0505DΞMØN🦇 go↓↓
14 09-Dic-2023 -162,572,732 -162.6 M 🧚queen Lmost14🏵John05 go↓↓
15 25-Nov-2023 -122,918 -122.9 K 🏵John05 go↓↓
16 11-Nov-2023 -29,949,555 -29.9 M 🏵John05 go↓↓
17 28-Oct-2023 -129,223,898 -129.2 M Peaceman 98🏵John05 go↓↓
18 16-Sep-2023 987,000 987 K ☙ Lauri go↓↓
19 02-Sep-2023 976,500 977 K Peaceful john☙ Lauri go↓↓
20 19-Aug-2023 -30,969,512 -31.0 M Jeanine.K go↓↓

full content ↓ ↓

Alliance: DDT - Date: 17-Aug-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
71 Miracle keep 1.1M 0 -184,815 -184,815 0 100 %
Total -184,815

Alliance: DDT - Date: 20-Jul-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
59 ꧁NotBait꧂ 16M 0 -551,991 -551,991 0 100 %
109 Grace 1208 548.2M 2,021,367 -61,877,012 -59,855,645 0.03 97 %
113 Easy player05 726.3M 1,859,414 -68,913,216 -67,053,802 0.03 97 %
114 the small ant 149.5M 4,980,428 -77,107,104 -72,126,676 0.06 94 %
121 John🦾T-800 2B 3,928,577 -107,120,640 -103,192,063 0.04 96 %
Total -302,780,177

Alliance: DDT - Date: 06-Jul-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
13 🐜Big ant 2.8B 72,490,051 -1,887,276 70,602,775 3 ↑ 97 %
64 John🦾T-800 2B 0 -2,040 -2,040 0 100 %
69 Grace 1208 522.7M 0 -207,338 -207,338 0 100 %
77 Easy player05 694.6M 0 -788,842 -788,842 0 100 %
90 the small ant 128.8M 15,288,852 -21,046,856 -5,758,004 0.73 27 %
Total 63,846,551

Alliance: DDT - Date: 22-Jun-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
15 🐜Big ant 2.8B 68,593,844 -3,285,785 65,308,059 3 ↑ 95 %
26 the small ant 124.2M 9,751,724 -4,929,895 4,821,829 1.98 49 %
69 John🦾T-800 1.9B 702,765 -67,511 635,254 3 ↑ 90 %
73 Grace 1208 500.6M 596,905 -143,454 453,451 3 ↑ 76 %
84 Easy player05 664.8M 0 -756,684 -756,684 0 100 %
Total 70,461,909

Alliance: DDT - Date: 25-May-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
60 ꧁NotBait꧂ 15.7M 1,966,939 -864,552 1,102,387 2.28 56 %
74 Cake_ 5.2M 0 -2,026 -2,026 0 100 %
Total 1,100,361

Alliance: DDT - Date: 11-May-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
17 🐜Big ant 2.7B 117,484,464 -54,034,824 63,449,640 2.17 54 %
19 Easy player05 599.5M 127,814,650 -65,416,948 62,397,702 1.95 49 %
20 John🦾T-800 1.8B 49,506,970 -5,512 49,501,458 3 ↑ 100 %
25 Grace 1208 447M 12,534,243 -241,765 12,292,478 3 ↑ 98 %
45 ꧁NotBait꧂ 11M 3,247,895 -856,375 2,391,520 3 ↑ 74 %
122 ☙ Lauri 438.8M 0 -64,163,248 -64,163,248 0 100 %
Total 125,869,550

Alliance: DDT - Date: 27-Apr-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
36 ꧁NotBait꧂ 10.4M 2,532,224 -77 2,532,147 3 ↑ 100 %
78 ☙ Lauri 515.3M 0 -66,274 -66,274 0 100 %
Total 2,465,873

Alliance: DDT - Date: 13-Apr-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
31 ꧁NotBait꧂ 9.6M 4,726,021 -430,668 4,295,353 3 ↑ 91 %
32 John🦾T-800 1.7B 4,210,044 -10,365 4,199,679 3 ↑ 100 %
68 🐜Big ant 2.6B 645,300 -20,708 624,592 3 ↑ 97 %
Total 9,119,624

Alliance: DDT - Date: 30-Mar-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
37 🐜Big ant 2.5B 1,638,000 0 1,638,000 3 ↑ 100 %
106 Easy player05 495.1M 0 -36,714,572 -36,714,572 0 100 %
113 John🦾T-800 1.6B 2,471,241 -82,407,104 -79,935,863 0.03 97 %
125 Grace 1208 334M 3,616,002 -234,572,672 -230,956,670 0.02 98 %
Total -345,969,105

Alliance: DDT - Date: 16-Mar-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
44 ꧁NotBait꧂ 14.9M 1,540,183 -387,354 1,152,829 3 ↑ 75 %
Total 1,152,829

Alliance: DDT - Date: 03-Feb-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
15 Peaceful John 2.2B 59,210,264 -1,697,797 57,512,467 3 ↑ 97 %
73 the small ant 50.2M 0 -203,388 -203,388 0 100 %
85 ☙ Lauri 408.9M 4,475,008 -5,166,935 -691,927 0.87 13 %
97 ----DAF---- 803.7M 4,005,907 -5,370,716 -1,364,809 0.75 25 %
112 Peaceman 98 245.6M 20,825,505 -28,399,380 -7,573,875 0.73 27 %
118 Small shot 253.3M 1,776,200 -33,448,512 -31,672,312 0.05 95 %
137 TheCesare 371.5M 17,078,941 -290,010,752 -272,931,811 0.06 94 %
142 Sh0tonBourbon 2.8B 251,248,174 -1,911,459,200 -1,660,211,026 0.13 87 %
Total -1,917,136,681

Alliance: DDT - Date: 20-Jan-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
11 Johnchiu 0505 1.5B 73,154,983 0 73,154,983 3 ↑ 100 %
15 Wenneke 1B 45,584,465 0 45,584,465 3 ↑ 100 %
90 TheCesare 411.9M 0 -51,929,044 -51,929,044 0 100 %
94 Peaceful John 2.2B 0 -60,306,884 -60,306,884 0 100 %
97 Peaceman 98 226.6M 31,067,716 -100,325,904 -69,258,188 0.31 69 %
105 Sh0tonBourbon 2.8B 2,537,890 -100,914,496 -98,376,606 0.03 97 %
Total -161,131,274

Alliance: DDT - Date: 06-Jan-2024 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
14 Peaceful john 2B 94,638,241 -53,548,440 41,089,801 1.77 43 %
90 Johnchiu 0505 1.3B 20,206,689 -27,524,172 -7,317,483 0.73 27 %
95 DΞMØN🦇 23.1M 2,530,922 -30,328,172 -27,797,250 0.08 92 %
100 Peaceman 98 164.8M 56,838,615 -102,030,120 -45,191,505 0.56 44 %
102 Wenneke 942.2M 4,538,993 -55,728,660 -51,189,667 0.08 92 %
134 OmeCor 2.7B 81,979,363 -1,623,574,400 -1,541,595,037 0.05 95 %
Total -1,632,001,141

Alliance: DDT - Date: 09-Dic-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
90 🧚queen L 14.1M 0 -453,091 -453,091 0 100 %
109 most14 21.2M 0 -15,195,983 -15,195,983 0 100 %
125 🏵John05 279.4M 56,201,590 -203,125,248 -146,923,658 0.28 72 %
Total -162,572,732

Alliance: DDT - Date: 25-Nov-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
78 🏵John05 212.6M 0 -122,918 -122,918 0 100 %
Total -122,918

Alliance: DDT - Date: 11-Nov-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
99 🏵John05 183.2M 864,053 -30,813,608 -29,949,555 0.03 97 %
Total -29,949,555

Alliance: DDT - Date: 28-Oct-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
107 Peaceman 98 91.1M 2,894,469 -56,497,124 -53,602,655 0.05 95 %
111 🏵John05 156.6M 27,800,405 -103,421,648 -75,621,243 0.27 73 %
Total -129,223,898

Alliance: DDT - Date: 16-Sep-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
58 ☙ Lauri 234.6M 987,000 0 987,000 3 ↑ 100 %
Total 987,000

Alliance: DDT - Date: 02-Sep-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
62 Peaceful john 1.7B 501,500 0 501,500 3 ↑ 100 %
66 ☙ Lauri 217.4M 475,000 0 475,000 3 ↑ 100 %
Total 976,500

Alliance: DDT - Date: 19-Aug-2023 - server: 1098 Up ☝️️

Name Power Score+ Score- Total KDR %%
121 Jeanine.K 35M 2,074,364 -33,043,876 -30,969,512 0.06 94 %
Total -30,969,512